Life Of The Church

Worship Night

Starts with a prayer by pastor or one of the worship team members.

Includes worshipping with songs and also worshipping in spirit. We also make room for Prophetic worship as lead by the Holy Spirit. Any prophetic word over the church in general or what is happening in the spirit realm is also part of the worship. During the worship as lead by the Spirit Pastor lays hand on everyone and prays for them giving them word of knowledge and we se people encountering the power of God. People have been baptized in fire and have experienced the glory of God during our worship nights. Usually after the end of worship nights we have a supper and then go home.

24 Hour Prayer

Starts at 7:30pm on friday.

We start with worship. We worship for an hour and then we start praying. Mainly concentrating on praying for Australia, for lost souls. Everyone present prays on these prayer points. Once the prayer finishes we have some fellowship over some supper. People usually leave after that we remain there for 24 hours. After supper we sart worshipping again. We have 2 prayer rooms where every hour people can go and pray and spend time with God.

Then Saturday people can come and go using the prayer room to pray. We start at 6 pm to close our 24 hour payer. Closing happens with worship. Basically the same as the worship night. People have received gift of tongues, baptism of fire, laughter, delieverance during these 24 hour prayers.

24 Hour Prayer

Starts at 7:30pm on friday.

We start with worship. We worship for an hour and then we start praying. Mainly concentrating on praying for Australia, for lost souls. Everyone present prays on these prayer points. Once the prayer finishes we have some fellowship over some supper. People usually leave after that we remain there for 24 hours. After supper we sart worshipping again. We have 2 prayer rooms where every hour people can go and pray and spend time with God.

Then Saturday people can come and go using the prayer room to pray. We start at 6 pm to close our 24 hour payer. Closing happens with worship. Basically the same as the worship night. People have received gift of tongues, baptism of fire, laughter, delieverance during these 24 hour prayers.

Morning Service

Service Starts at 10 am. But we come at 9:30 am and spend half an hour praying in tongues.

Every week someone from among us leads the prayer. They come up with prayer points. And we pray on those prayer points in tongues.

Worship start at around 10:15 and goes on till 11:30. Followed by communion every service. Someone shares a word on communion, prays and then we take the communion. Then tithes and then pastor preaches. After preaching altar call. And usually we finish by 1 pm. People get encounters during the altar call. And then after finishing we have lunch and fellowship.

Evening Service

Starts at 6 pm. Pray in tongues till 6:30 pm.

Worship starts 6:30 till 7:30 sometimes till 8 if God moves powerfully in worship. Then Communion, then tithes, then preaching, then altar call. same as morning. Finish around 9pm. Then have dinner together.

We are a close bunch of families who have the passion and the audacity to see heaven move in any number that gathers there. The focus is on the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The power of love and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is something that you will enjoy . Come , Be a part and Feel home.

Prayer is nothing more than turning our heart toward God and receiving in turn His love.

Evening Service

Starts at 6 pm. Pray in tongues till 6:30 pm.

Worship starts 6:30 till 7:30 sometimes till 8 if God moves powerfully in worship. Then Communion, then tithes, then preaching, then altar call. same as morning. Finish around 9pm. Then have dinner together.

We are a close bunch of families who have the passion and the audacity to see heaven move in any number that gathers there. The focus is on the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The power of love and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is something that you will enjoy . Come , Be a part and Feel home.

Prayer is nothing more than turning our heart toward God and receiving in turn His love.

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